Costa Caribe Sur Autonomous Region
One of Nicaragua's two autonomous areas is the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region[a]. Through a division of the former Zelaya Department, it was established by the Autonomy Statute of September 7, 1987, together with the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region. With a population of 420,935 (2021 estimate), it occupies 27,260 km2 (10,530 sq mi). It's called Bluefields. It includes a portion of the area known as Mosquitia, which borders the Caribbean Sea.
El Ayote, El Rama, El Tortuguero, Kukra Hill, La Cruz de Río Grande, Muelle de los Bueyes, Nueva Guinea, Paiwas, Pearl Lagoon, Bluefields, the Corn Islands, and Desembocadura de Río Grande compose its twelve municipalities. The region is home to eight different languages, with Spanish and English Creole being the most common.
Although it mostly belongs to the municipality of Pearl Lagoon, the Pearl Cays archipelago is also a part of the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region.[3]
The agricultural sector employs about 30% of the labor force on the Caribbean Coast.
Oil palm, coconut, pineapple, sesame seeds, irrigated rice, rainfed rice, onion cultivation, chia, chilli pepper, red bean of apante, premium red bean, premium black bean, corn, malanga, quequisque, cassava, dry land banana, sugar cane, higuerilla, cacao, and robusta coffee are among the products with greater production potential in the Caribbean Coast, according to the IV National Agricultural Census, which was prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAGFOR) and the National Development Information Institute (INIDE).
When it comes to the importance of generating cash for the nation, the fishing industry ranks third. Shrimp, lobster, and certain fish species have historically constituted the majority of the fisheries. The Caribbean Coast produced 24 million pounds of fish and aquiculture in 2016, accounting for 76% of the country's total export value of US$126 million.
Mining has a tradition of more than one hundred years in the Northern and Southern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Regions. Although its participation in the international market has been modest due to historical factors, the mining sector has been growing since 2010, exporting 357 million dollars in 2016. Around 380 hectares in the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region have been awarded under metallic and non-metallic mining concessions, most of which are located in the municipalities of Rosita, Bonanza and Siuna. 220 hectares are currently being exploited.
Livestock, dairy and meat production
Thirty-five percent of Nicaragua's cattle sector is located on the Caribbean Coast. Over the last eight years, Nicaragua has maintained its position as the primary producer of cattle, dairy products, and meat in Central America, with annual compound growth rates of 9% for meat exports and 11% for milk production.
The area is estimated to have 37,394 km² of land with the potential to produce high-value timbers including teak, mahogany, and laurel. Commercially valued timber plantations, including those for teak and mahogany, have grown since 2003. Over US$100 million was invested in the region's forestry industry between 2014 and 2020.
There are currently about 300 kilometers of maintained roads. The total length of country roads is approximately 2,415 kilometers. There are 157 bridges for cars and pedestrians.
Ports and airports
The Bluff is the only commercial port in the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region. The Bluff is situated on Bluefields Bay, approximately 98 miles north of Costa Rica and 6 nautical miles offshore. The only way to get to this port is by water. The Escondido River, which has been marked with navigation buoys, is the about 100-kilometer navigation route that links The Bluff and Rama. The port provides ship guiding services from the Escondido River to the port of Rama.
Electric energy
52 percent of the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region had direct access to the national electrical grid and maintained a steady supply of electricity as of 2016. This amounts to roughly 313 towns in both regions, where an estimated $30 million has been committed to further enhance the energy service's quality and coverage.
Air travel between Managua and the Caribbean Coast is now offered by the local carrier La Costeña. At the moment, it provides daily flights to Waspam, Bluefields, Siuna, Bonanza, Río San Juan, Corn Island, and Puerto Cabezas. Similarly, Puerto Cabezas (Bilwi), Bluefields, and Corn Island are home to the three primary freight terminals on the Caribbean Coast.[Reference required] EAAI is in charge of managing all airports.
Costa Caribe Sur, Nicaragua, offers stunning Caribbean beaches, vibrant indigenous cultures, and rich biodiversity, ideal for tropical adventures and exploration.